10′ Reckon cycle

It seems to me that a person can compartmentalize their self-discipline. Many entertainers are disciplined enough to make movies, put on concerts, write books, etc. But they combine these efforts with a life of parties, that is, with studied wild abandon.

The 600″ (600 second) dash is a technique to build self-discipline and to balance it with abandon. The 600″ dash allows someone to dial in as much, or as little, self-discipline as they like into their life.

Strength and stamina
First a discussion about getting in physical shape. Then, applying that to getting a mind in shape.

Let’s say we want to gain muscle strength and build stamina.

Muscle strength
One way build muscle strength is lifting weights.

Say that a man can lift a 50 lb. weight ten times within ten minutes and wants to build up to lifting a 75 lb weight ten times within ten minutes.

He could do it by lifting a 75 lb. weight once each workout session.

But better if he slowly approached the 75 lb. weight limit. He could have a workout routine such as lifting a 60 lb. weight five times in each workout session. After, say, ten workout sessions he might increase either the times he lifts 60 lb., the weight (increasing to 70 lb.) , or both.

So, he could change the workout session to be lifting a 60 lb weight eight times each session.

Over enough sessions he could reach the goal of lifting 75 lb. ten times in ten minutes.

Stamina has to do with increasing endurance.

Let’s say a man can run for one minute, and he wants to be able to build up to running for an hour.

He could make workout sessions where he just pushed himself to run for as long as he can, then stop, rest, and run again.

Or he could create a workout schedule built on the principle of interval training.

He could make each session where he starts by running a short distance, and then switches to walking before he tires himself out and/or runs out of breath. He can then run again for a short distance, and switch back to walking.

Over a number of workout sessions he could increase the running distance and decrease the walking distance. Eventually, he would reach a point where he is running for an hour straight.

The way we build up physical strength and stamina shows the way to strengthening willpower skills and increasing willpower stamina. This combination of power and stamina leads to good habits and discipline.

Willpower is about directing oneself to do things one wants to do.

Think of it as a director of a movie. The director can only push the actors, technicians, set makers etc. so far. If he pushes them too far, too fast, he won’t get a good scene nor a good movie. But over time he can build cohesion among the cast and others.

Willpower is about building teamwork among all the facets of the personality.

The 600″ dash
You are the director over the movie of your life. The 600″ dash is about making short “films”, that is starting and completing small tasks. Over time it can build it up to making full length features. Here’s how it works:

The “run” consists of 60″ deciding what to do, 60″ of speaking it out, 240″ of videoing — that is, working on the task at hand, and 60″ recapping. The “walk” consists of marking time for 180″. The total executive function is 600″.

60″: Think about the task.
60″: Say out loud, “Do [fill in the task].”
240″: Do the task.
60″: Say out loud, “Did [fill in the blank].”
180″: Mark time.

In a one-liner it’s: think, command, do, summarize, mark.

So, say the task is reading a book. Start by running for 420″. It would go like this.

60″: Think about reading two paragraphs.
60″: Say out loud, “Read two paragraphs.”
240″: Read two paragraphs.
60″: Say out loud, “Read two paragraphs.”

Then, walk, that is, mark time, for 180″.

Another way to abstract this is:
60″: Prep for the task mentally
60″: Articulate that task
240″: Activity phase
60″: Recap the task
180″: Track time.

In a one-liner it’s: prep, art, act, recap, mark.

The idea is to keep up the process for one hour. That is, to do 6 segments of running for 420″, followed by the 180″ cool down period.

What did we accomplish
What have we done through this exercise? We’ve reviewed how to plan a task and exert ourselves to follow through on it..

That’s it. You may find that you naturally want to begin taking shorter walks between tasks. Don’t fall into the trap of becoming more efficient too soon. For the first couple of sessions, push yourself not to do more, but to be steady at doing less. It’s about pacing. This can mean that the walk may be tougher than the run. True discipline requires exercising might in restraining from action even more than in performing an activity.